Archivio della Memoria

Archivio della Memoria (Italy) is a cultural association founded in 2002 that carries out historical, anthropological and sociological research activity in social and cultural fields, traditions and knowledge. AdM operates both in urban areas and in small towns, in Italy and abroad, actively interacting with local com-munities, especially those characterized by marginalization and social disadvantage, de-veloping best practices in the field of qualita-tive and quantitative research, in visual docu-mentation and Lifelong Learning, organizing educational projects either for adults or chil-dren and young people in the subjects of its competence. From 2005 ADM is part of the Science Park University of Rome Tor Vergata, an umbrella organization that embraces 30 companies specialized in research, training and dissemination of scientific and cultural knowledge. ADM is actually working with lo-cal authorities like Lazio Region, Municipali-ties, public Universities in Rome, with several Natural Parks of Lazio Region, with the Minis-try of Culture and with many schools in vari-ous fields like education, culture, tourism, found rising, marketing planning, ICT, new media and traditional communication, and international cooperation. In order to pro-mote education and training using new tech-nologies ADM has created the Tor Vergata University of Rome Web TV. ADM has a branch dedicated to the international cooper-ation project with the specific mission to real-ize social research in developing countries. AdM, thanks to the educational skills of some associates, has realized during the last 12 years about 2000 qualitative interviews on different topics with an anthropological ap-proach that reflect psychological and oral his-tory elements mix to a socio anthropological dimension.