Archive for 2021
Sep 28, 2021
No more walls (Online)

No more walls (Online)     Escape room developed by the UOC Research Group GAME, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences in collaboration with The Centre d’Estudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs. The mission of Centre Delàs is to strengthen the culture of peace and the construction of a disarmed society Spain Learning Objectives: – Raise awareness about migration[…]

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Sep 28, 2021
No more walls

No more walls      Escape room developed by the UOC Research Group GAME, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences in collaboration with The Centre d’Estudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs. The mission of Centre Delàs is to strengthen the culture of peace and the construction of a disarmed society Spain Learning Objectives: – Raise awareness about migration processes[…]

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Sep 20, 2021
Green Fuel

Green Fuel Escape room developed by the Laboratorio tecnologie e media in educazione Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento, SUPSI. Switzerland Learning Objectives: – Learn the differences between a real and a fake news through critical thinking and sources checking – Apply critical thinking on pictures from the web, that nowadays could be easily manipulated Teacher Guide[…]

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Sep 20, 2021

Thymio     Escape room developed by the Laboratorio tecnologie e media in educazione Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento, SUPSI. Switzerland Learning Objectives: – Be able to interpret the Thymio predefined behaviour through reverse engineering – Be able to re-program the behaviour in order to achieve the objective of the escape Teacher Guide  ENG  IT Teacher[…]

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Sep 20, 2021
Escape Inflation

Escape Inflation     Escape room developed by PH Freiburg – Department of Economics Education Germany Learning Objectives: – Explain inflation and its interrelation with monetary policy as well as the latter’s limitations – Calculate consumer price index and inflation rate – Identify economic actors likely to be affected by inflation Student Materials ENG DE Teacher[…]

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ESCAPE YOUR PHD Escape room developed by Durham Centre for Academic Development, Durham University UK Learning Objectives: – To develop awareness of a range of PhD support services. – To develop problem solving and team work skills. – To develop awareness of a range skills required to undertake a PhD. Teacher Guide ENG (For 16+[…]

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